The Best Dating Advice Ever

You’re about to discover something so simple, yet so profound it will blow you away!  It’s the best dating advice ever!

Have you ever met someone and right away things clicked between the two of you?

The communication was awesome!

You got along so well you thought this could be it.

Finally, the one relationship you’ve longed for…

Then…..a few red flags pop up and you start having doubts.

After a while you begin to realize the person isn’t quite who you thought they were.

Sound familiar?

Dating With Caution

Dating can be pretentious at times because people are on their best behavior when the relationship is in its early stages.

Early on everyone is polite and courteous, remembering to say please and thank you to show appreciation.

It’s difficult to gauge what’s genuine and what’s not.

The thought is to make a good first impression.

Therefore, in the beginning everyone is at their best.

The Good News is the Truth will eventually come out, but until then proceed with caution.

Common Problem With Dating

So it’s off to dinner you go for the two love birds and you’re finding it to be a little awkward because the cell phone is getting all the attention.

During dinner the cell phone sits on the table turned upside down and every so often it vibrates to indicate a new call or text.

It’s nice that the calls are not answered and texts are not responded to during dinner, but it is a little uncomfortable because it feels like the third wheel at the table.

You met online several months ago and after many conversations finally you meet for dinner.

You’re excited about the relationship.

You both have a lot in common and building a meaningful relationship seems promising, but you’re a little concerned about this cell phone dilemma.

Because you’re in the early stages of the relationship this is something you don’t want to stress about, but it is an obvious distraction.

So What Should You Say? The Best Thing to do is to say how you feel.


Be True About Your Dating Intentions

When I was young I didn’t know what I wanted in a relationship so I ended up hurting a lot of people.

At one point I just wanted to have fun and avoid commitment at all cost.

After a while I decided I was ready for a committed relationship, so I started dating someone I thought I could commit to, but I failed to communicate my intentions.

I wanted this relationship to last but unfortunately it didn’t.

I could have saved a lot of time and heartache if I would have communicated my intentions from the start, because then it gives the other person the option to continue the relationship or opt out.


the best dating advice ever

The Best Dating Advice Ever

When you take time to understand yourself you will be able to nurture and develop fulfilling relationships.

Understanding yourself is crucial when it comes to relationships and dating.

Being honest about what you want in a relationship and communicating it clearly is the best thing you can do for anyone including yourself.

Just keep it real!

What I mean by keeping it real is to be honest about your feelings and intentions.

Sometimes we get caught up on outward appearances such as how someone looks or how they dress and we compromise our core beliefs.

Instead of being honest we allow outward appearances to dictate the situation.


The Most Important Dating Advice

You can rest assured if you develop an understanding about yourself you will create more fulfilling relationships.

The Best Advice I have ever received about Dating is to be yourself.

You will soon be found out if you attempt to be something or someone you’re not.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s admirable to learn how to improve yourself by learning and incorporating new things into your life, but don’t do it to impress someone else, do it for you.

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